The San Benito County Arts Council, in partnership with the Hollister School District, announces the launch of its 2024-2025 Artists in the Schools Program, engaging over 4,000 students in the power of creativity every single week. Every school day, 9 Arts Council Teaching Artists are deployed to all K-8 elementary school sites throughout the district, where students learn hands-on art making, including drawing, painting, sculpture and mixed-media, for the entire school year.
The teaching artists, who are all local art teachers with extensive backgrounds in the arts and education, plan weekly art lessons based on the state-adopted curriculum, The Art of Education University. In addition to weekly planning sessions, teaching artists are working with the district to ensure special needs students are receiving the maximum benefits during art lessons.
Colleen Myers, Hollister School District’s Director of Education Services states, “It is true joy watching HSD students explore, experiment, and express themselves through art. The success of this program lies in providing engaging, dynamic experiences rooted in a well-rounded curriculum that spans various forms of media. A heartfelt thank you to the San Benito Arts Council for continually making this possible.”
In addition to the weekly Artists in the Schools Program, the Arts Council is also offering local schools their Song & Dance Program for 2nd grade students and the Ukulele Program for 3rd grade students, both starting September 23rd.
Amanda Chiado, Director of Arts Education for the San Benito County Arts Council states, “The Artists in the School Program with the Hollister School District is seeing the distinct benefits of ongoing and comprehensive arts programming. Students are thriving, and the collaborative relationship between classroom teachers and teaching artists is mutually beneficial in service of student engagement. We are eager to work the district on their draft arts plan to further strengthen the district’s arts equity infrastructure.”
The Arts Council’s Artists in the Schools Program with the Hollister School District is funded through a direct partnership with the District, and is also made possible with the support from the California Arts Council, Monterey Peninsula Foundation, David & Lucile Packard Foundation, United Way Serving San Benito County and other public and private donors.
For more information about the Arts Council’s Arts in Education Programs, please visit www.sanbenitoarts.org or call 831.636.2787.