Artwork image of resin mobiles by Hollister artist, Nicole Maican.
The San Benito County Arts Council is currently accepting artist applications for a Pop-Up Art & Print Sale from 12-4 pm, Saturday, April 22nd at the Art Depot, 35 5th St. in Hollister. This is a great opportunity for artists to show and sell their work, as well as network with other artists and the public.
The Art & Print Sale will be a curated event and artists are invited to apply to participate by filling out a simple Google Form application. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 24th.
Artists will be selected with the goal of showcasing a wide variety of arts, crafts and other artistic media and will also be based on space availability.
Artist applicants will be notified of their participation by Friday, March 31st. The fee to participate as a vendor in the Pop-Up is $25.
Apply to participate as a Pop-Up vendor HERE.
To learn more about this event or for general information, please contact the Arts Council at 831.636.2787 or at heidi@sanbenitoars.org.