We are now accepting applications from artists in all media for participation in the annual San Benito County Open Studios Art Tour & inaugural Open Studios Night Market scheduled to take place in April 2024.
For over a decade, the San Benito County Arts Council has hosted the annual Open Studios Art Tour, a self-guided tour of artists’ studios throughout San Benito County. The tour features local artists and artisans with works in painting, photography, pottery and ceramics, stained-glass, jewelry, and more and is a great way for locals and out of town visitors to meet the artists, learn more about the processes of art-making, and view and purchase original works of art. New in 2024, the Open Studios Art Tour will take place over two weekends in April.
The Open Studios Night Market is a new opportunity for emerging artists and makers of all kinds to showcase and sell their work at an outdoor and indoor night market at the Arts Council’s Art Depot in downtown Hollister. This Open Studios Market will also include food and live music.
Event Information
Dates & Times
- Open Studios Night Market, Saturday, April 13th, 5-8 pm
- Open Studios Art Tour in San Juan Bautista/Aromas, Saturday & Sunday, April 20th & 21st, 11 am-4 pm
- Open Studios Art Tour in Hollister, Saturday & Sunday, April 27th & 28th, 11 am-4 pm
Application Fees
- $25 Open Studios Night Market (4’x8’ space)
- $110 Open Studios Art Tour (includes optional participation in the Night Market)
All artists based in San Benito County are encouraged to submit an online application. All applications must be submitted online by 5pm, Sunday, Jan. 21st.
Open Studios Art Tour artists may present at their own studio, in shared space in another artist’s studios, or at one of our group sites.
Apply for the Open Studios Art Tour HERE.
Apply only for the Open Studios Night Market HERE.
We will also be holding an Open Studios Workshop on Zoom at 6 pm, Tuesday, Jan. 9th for general event questions and application support. Register for the Zoom meeting HERE.
For other questions or for more information, please contact the Arts Council at heidi@sanbenitoarts.org or call 831.636.2787

*Open Studios artist, Jane Rekedal, at her studio in Aromas, CA.