What a year.
No one could have imagined how much we would have to adapt, cope, learn, mourn, create, pivot, celebrate and survive in 2020.
As we look back on 2020, we can’t help but see how we came together and found ways to innovate, create and respond to the times. We navigated new technologies and ended up reconnecting in new and meaningful ways.
Artists helped others to express themselves through art-making, used their practices to promote critical public messages and found ways to adapt by moving things outdoors, going virtual and exploring entirely new mediums. At the Arts Council, we developed new programs, collaborated with numerous partner organizations, and supported the arts community with critical arts funding, workshops and webinars and 1:1 support.
So, as you read our 2020 Year in Review Newsletter, we hope you will see that in some of the darkest of times, there is hope. We believe that the arts will continue to help us understand our individual and collective experiences of 2020, and will also help us begin the processes of healing and renewal in 2021.
Read our 2020 Year in Review Newsletter HERE.
San Benito County Arts Council | 2020 by the Numbers
We created, distributed, exhibited, presented, taught, supported and celebrated…
1,900 Art Supply Kits
11,400 Paint Cups
200 Ukuleles
$50,030 in Local Arts Funding
1,000+ Visitors to our Online Open Studios Exhibition
25 Incarcerated Youth
2,000+ 3rd-5th Grade Students
1,800 Student Artworks at County Art Showcase
1 Poetry Out Loud County Champion
3 Art & Healing Workshops
6 Professional Development Workshops for Artists
2 Central California Regional Art Conversations
1 AB5 Workshop
1 Arts, Culture & Creativity Month
5 After School Art Programs
106 Free Tuition Student Scholarships
44 Life Skills Art Classes for Special Needs Students
2 art spaces
11 Arts Council employees
10 Board Members
24 Business Partners in the Arts
Countless community partners, volunteers & supporters!